JIBC Password Requirements
Your password is the first line of protection for access to JIBC systems.
It not only protects your e-mail and prevents others from accessing private and confidential information.
Passwords are case sensitive, though your user name isn't. Remember that when you change your password, it will change it for all other systems, i.e., https://myjibc.ca, https://webmail.jibc.ca, and https://elearn.jibc.ca
Password expiry: Every 180 days you will be required to create a new unique password
Password history: The previous eight passwords are remembered, so they can't be re-used
Minimum length: Passwords must be at least 12 characters
Creating Strong Passwords
· While no password is 100% unbreakable, there are steps you can take to make your password so difficult to break that most hackers will give up and move on.
What to Use
· Acronyms from easy-to-remember information like a song lyric, with a few symbol and number substitutions (e.g. all i want for Christmas is my two front teeth becomes AIW4ChrIM2FT)
· Relate your password to a favourite sport. For example, I love to play badminton becomes iLuv2PlayBadm!nt0n
· Embed a word within a word - especially if one isn't a dictionary word. For example, DoKongnkey!
What to Avoid
· Don't give your password to anyone and don't write it down in a place where others can find it.
· Don't use the same password on your computer at work that you may use elsewhere.
· Don't use any of the following in a password:
i. dictionary words
ii. words spelled backwards
iii. common misspellings or abbreviations
iv. sequences (e.g. 123 or qwerty on your keyboard) or repeated characters (e.g. 22222)
v. personal information such as name, user name, birthdate, driver's license
vi. the word "password"