Grading via Self-Service


Enter grades via Self-Service.


Staff or Faculty will require a JIBC username and password.


  1. Login to Self-Service.
  2. From the main landing page, click Faculty.

  3. From the list of courses available to you, click on the course you wish to enter grades for.

    *To do a quick search, click CTRL + F and enter the course code in the search box. 

  4. From the Section Details page, click Grading.

  5. Then click Final Grade.

  6. Select Grade from the Final Grade dropdown menu.

  7. Once all grades have been entered. Click Post. You will get the following message.

  8. Click Post Grades.
  9. In Colleague navigate to FGRN, look-up course just graded, and confirm grades are appearing in Verified Grade.


    In Colleague navigate to STAC, search by Student, confirm grade is appearing.


Successfully enter grades for respective courses.

Further reading: 

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