Transcript Request via Self-Service


Request a transcript via Self-Service.


Students will require a JIBC student number and password.


  1. Login to Self-Service:

  2. On the Self-Service home page, find the Transcript Request navigation elements.

    Click Transcript Requests. (Either one.)
  3. The Transcript Requests page is displayed.

    Click Add New Request.
  4. The Request a Transcript page is displayed. Enter the requested information:

    - Recipient (name of person/school)
    - Address 1, 2 (recipient address)
    - City
    - State/Province
    - ZIPO/Postal code
    - Copies
    - Comments
  5. Once entered, click Proceed to Payment.

  6. A confirmation dialog is displayed. Click Proceed to Payment.

  7. In the Transcript Request Payment Details screen, select the payment method.

  8. In the Payment Review screen, review the information.

    Click Pay Now.
  9. Enter the credit card number, expiration date, and CSC.

    Click Pay now.

    The processing dialog may be displayed for a brief time.

  10. Once successfully processed, the Payment Acknowledgment screen appears.

    Click Continue.

    You will be redirected back to the Make a Payment page.

Students will be able to successfully submit a Transcript Request via Self-Service. 

Further reading: 

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